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The company ethics

"The concept of sustainability must be embraced in its entirety and good sustainability must take into account all the domains it includes: environment, society, economy ... Maintaining a balance is the key to interpreting nature and respecting it."

Working in such close contact with nature you become aware of a greater burden on your shoulders in contrast to other professions - the responsibility of respecting it more than others. Coming from a rural background like Valle d'Aosta in the 60s undoubtedly made things easier. The inhabitants of our villages and our families knew only too well that, where possible, we should only take from nature what is strictly necessary to live and give back what nature needs. This was a form of subsistence farming where every job was vital and nothing was wasted.

Elio faithfully adheres to this concept handed down to him through the generations and modern technology has given him the chance to do what seemed unimaginable in those days. The farm’s energy is produced entirely by renewable sources. Electricity is produced by mountain stream water diverted into a network of channels and by solar panels, while the building heating systems are powered by solar panels and vegetation biomass plants fuelled by woodchip from the neighbouring woodland timber. Being underground, the wine cellar requires no temperature regulation.

Sustainability is not limited to the farm buildings alone, but also the farmland. We believe in integrated pest control and favour organic farming wherever possible in order to widen our experience and work towards organic farming. Our vineyards are fertilised exclusively with manure from our cows, while winter hay is cut from the meadows surrounding the cow shed.

We are part of a system pivoting around the environment rather than man. The forces of nature cannot be bent. Since we have the means and the know-how, we must learn to coexist.

Fraz. Porossan Neyves, 209 - 11100 Aosta - Italy
Tel. +39 347 40 71 331 - Mail
PI 01102590070 - CF TTNLEI66D02A326I

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